Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Bear!

Here's a piece I recently finished for my Advanced Digital Illustration class. As per usual, it is an Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop baby. Hope you enjoy it! :)

What if Sarasota flooded?

Clowns would float around in innertubes! Stay tuned for the flamingoes, fish, and manatees soon to come...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Little Penguin

Well, it seems like I'm on a bit of a posting spree tonight! Here's two images I did for my Advanced Digital Illustration class. I hope you like them! :D The assignment was to reillustrate a set of wine labels (one red, and one white) from an existing vineyard. BUT, we were supposed to use our own style to put a twist on the usual "sophisticated" wine cliche.

More Digital Stuff!

Oh boy! More digital goodness! So, I've been experimenting with some cool new Photoshop tricks, brought to you by Mr. Octavio Perez, my favorite Advanced Digital Illustration teacher. DISCLAIMER: These two images are unfinished, but I have plans to finish them! The first image is supposed to be a bunch of dinosaurs around a birthday cake. Mr. Hodges (my illustration teacher) made some really cool suggestions on how to improve it, so expect a cooler version later!

This second image is of two golfing T-Rex dinos... This is also my first shot at this style, so bear with my cruddy contrast and other technical blips! I'm still doing some experimentation with this, so hopefully it'll get better soon, because I really have fun doing it! :)